Website Verification – Filters

The filters provided in the application are designed to sort and analyze data received from a specified website verification task performed by the program. Filtration is carried out automatically, with results displayed by simply clicking on an item in the list. Each filter name is accompanied by a number, which indicates the links that have come through the filter and appeared in this section.

All links:
Shows all links found on the site, regardless of whether they are valid or not. This feature does not determine whether the links have been verified or if the process was interrupted.

Good links:
This filter shows only links that have achieved verification. This means that such links have not caused any errors.

Broken links:
This section shows all links checked by the program and found to be inaccessible. By choosing one of the subsections, the list displays all links that could not be accessed for a specific reason. By default, the following filters are available:
- 404 Not found
- 401 Unauthorized
- 403 Forbidden
- 500 Internal error
- Timeout
- Socket error

However, this setting can be changed in program options (View -> Options -> Website Verification -> Broken Links Groups). If you want to view pages with broken links, mark the link to be selected and then click on the 'Parents' tab at the bottom of the screen.

Non-verified links:
This section shows links found on the site but unverified for a particular reason (eg if verification of some links has been disabled by the user).

Unsupported links:
This section contains links for login scripts or objects with protocols not supported by the program (mailto, RTSP, etc.)

Aborted links:
Displays links scheduled for verification but not yet verified due to cancellation of the operation by the user. Verification of aborted links can be continued by selecting the menu: 'Action -> Continue with Aborted Links'.

Internal links:
Lists pages stored on the same level or below the starting page. All pages are included - verified and unverified, valid and invalid.

External links:
This filter displays the links to the external sites only. External links are links that indicate the servers different from the starting page server or placed in the higher level directories of the same server.

Pages processed:
This section contains a list of pages scanned by the program. If you want to find out which links have been found on a specific page, double-click it and choose the 'Children' tab at the foot of the screen. This section also contains additional filters:

Redirected links:
This filter displays links that do not connect to any pages but instead redirect users to other addresses.

Found in HTML tags:
Based on links as locations inside different HTML tags, this filter sorts out the addresses by using the tags from which they were extracted. For instance, if only pictures are required, they will be located inside the <IMG> tag.

This area displays links sorted by the protocols used.

Filename extension:
This filter displays all detected links sorted by the file extensions.

File groups:
This filter displays the links sorted by the file groups. When unspecified, the main default groups are as follows: Web documents, Web graphics, Archive files, Sound & Music and Videos. Other groups can be added or existing ones changed via the Options menu of the program (View -> Options -> Website Verification -> File Groups).

Failed page rules:
Displays pages that do not match any page rule defined by the user. To define page rules, click on the Profile button on the toolbar, select Page Rules in the window that appears and follow the instructions.

Related topic:
How to Find Specific Text on the Website
How to Use Web Link Validator as a Reciprocal Link Checking Tool

Pages with spelling errors:
Lists pages with spelling errors. Clicking on the plus sign by a filter's name expands the words list to reveal if more than one misspelled word has been found.

To locate a selected error in the web page file, click on the misspelled word below the filter name, double-click on the URL in the frame to the right, and then click on the Spell Checker tab in the frame at the bottom. This displays the misspelled word and its position in the selected file.

Related topic:
How to Check Spelling on a Website

Directory tree:
This section contains the directory tree of an examined site.