How to Check Spelling on a Website

To have Web Link Validator check the spelling while verifying a website, check the Spell checker option in the Starting URLs section of the profile:

1. Create a new profile: File -> New -> New Profile.

2. Add a starting URL.

3. Enable the Spell Checker option.

4. Click Start.

The Pages with spelling errors filter will contain the list of misspelled words that have been found. Clicking on a word will show the list of all pages that contain the selected word.

Also, you can generate the Pages with spelling errors report:
 Action -> Report

How to Ignore a Word

Any word found during the check can be added to the Ignored list. To add a word to the Ignore list, right-click on that word in the Pages with spelling errors filter or under the Spell Checker tab and then select Ignore Word on the pop-up menu.

Also, you can copy and paste your list of words in the Ignore Words section:
 Options -> Website Verification -> Spell Checker -> Ignored Words

How to Install Additional Dictionaries

1. Download the dictionary file at:

2. Unzip the dictionary to the Web Link Validator's Dictionaries folder (e.g. C:/Program Files/Web Link Validator/Dictionaries/)

3. Restart the application.