Quick Start

If you don't like reading long manuals and you are already familiar with the Internet, this is probably the only chapter you need to read to get started.

Step 1.
Launch the program.

Step 2.
Type in or paste a URL in the address bar and press "Add" (). Add several links to the current list for better understanding of program's work.

Step 3.
Press "Select All" () and then "Verify" ().


Step 1.
Launch the program.

Step 2.
Choose Action --> Retrieve URLs from the main menu or press "Retrieve URLs" ().

Step 3.
Type in or paste a URL in the address bar and press "Start" ().

If you select a base HTML folder then it is important to put a "/" at the end of the folder address. For example, you should use


not https://www.relsoftware.com/weblinkvalidator

Step 4.
After retrieving the links from the chosen page, press "Add selected links to the main list" (). Close "Retrieve URLs" window.

Step 5.
Press "Select All" () and then "Verify" ().